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Kansas Injury Hotline

When you experience an injury, everything can change – we know that at The Kansas Injury Hotline. With more than 25 years of experience litigating in courtrooms throughout Kansas on our clients' behalf, you can focus on recovering, instead of finding yourself overwhelmed and worried about your case.  The Kansas Injury Hotline is here to help.  Reaching out to one of our attorneys is the very first step.  An attorney is standing by and will assist you in the evaluation of your case.  What do you have to lose?

personal injury attorney

THIS SITE IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. This site contains only information and not legal advice. It is very important that you obtain the advice of an attorney before you act on any information contained on this web site. Nothing on this site suggests that you need or do not need legal services. No attorney-client relationship is created by the information on this web site. Further, contacting us via telephone, email, or other means of communication does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the Kansas Injury Hotline. To discuss representation, we must personally speak with you and enter into a signed, written agreement for representation. By utilizing this site, you agree to the foregoing. The Kansas Injury Hotline cannot guarantee the outcome of any particular case. Results are largely dependent on the established facts of a case. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.